about the parisian

Hola hey here!

Thank you very much for visiting my blog and actually staying long enough to even visit this page. I created this blog because I needed to talk and react on everything I love, everything that makes me mad, everything that makes me happy and not everything but many things that happen to me.

I am 19 years old. Some will say I talk too much, many would say I never talk. This is just an illustration of what a contradiction I can happen to be. I am complex and still trying to figure me out myself. I believe that what I know for sure is that I adore Fashion and I aspire to be a fashion journalist later (maybe even a writer, if I get better). For me, fashion is a form of empowerment for girls, it’s a way of expressing yourself, your feelings, who you are. Fashion is not shallow, stupid or a waste of time/money. Because fashion makes you happy, makes you confident, and makes you be who you want to be. People saying that Fashion is useless don’t understand fashion. Or they don’t see how you can use Fashion to make something big out of it.

Other than that, I’m from PARIS, the most beautiful city of the world. I feel grateful everyday to be born in such a place – which also mean I have a hard time adjusting at my non-Paris college (when you have lived all your life in Paris, even a cool city can never be as great to you!). I am sporty (yoga, dance, jogging) and I eat super healthy – but I am human and you know I would rather watch a movie eating pizza. I just try not to. Oh and also, if there is one thing you should know about me, it’s that I am addicted to TV SHOWS. And DIET COKE. Seriously. Both of them are a huge daily part of my life. These are addictions I am not even willing to cure.

This blog is to talk about everything I have on my mind and everything I want to talk about. But it’s also a blog for my fashion. If you only are interested in my outfits, instead of the whole blog, maybe save this page to your computer. But just know I have many other things to say, if you’re looking for daily entertainement. I happen to be funny. Sometimes. Well, I have a pretty damn good sense of humour … when you actually get it. Which is not always easy but I promise I will try.

About my “Spread the love” signature. It’s from a few years ago when I was supporting a charity or I don’t remember what on twitter. I just tweeted “Spread the love” and got soe of my followers to do the same. It stuck. It sounds great to me in english, but whenever I translate into french, this sounds cheesy. I hope you don’t think it does. If it does, I am sorry.

I hope you have a great time. I try to be normal on my blog so hopefully you won’t even realize that I may not always be completely sane. But who completely is, really? I LOVE YOU ALL ALREADY!

Spread the love and keep visiting my blog!
Xx, Pauline

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  1. Put on your sequins heels! « heelsandsequins

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